
Thursday, September 6, 2007

The sky is not falling, the real estate bubble IS NOT bursting.

Every where I turn there is a story talking about how bad the real estate market is. Yes, its has taken a 180 degree turn but its still a great market where peoples homes have appreciated nicely over the past 6 years. So we made an adjustment, big deal, we couldn't keep appreciating at the rate we were going. No one would of been able to buy a home.

Homes are still selling, some quicker than others and some in multiple offer situations. Believe it, I hear stories every week. There are still buyers buying. So, if your worried about selling, don't be, just make sure you have a good realtor working for you. If your thinking of buying and waiting for the market to bottom out, you better put away the crystal ball because it doesn't work and the market is starting to slowly recover. [where: 55405]

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